What may seem like an ordinary boring spread of coloured blocks, to children, they are actually hours of cognitive fun and development milestones. From the time an infant's eyes adjust to lights and shapes, they are in a constant state of curiosity and discovery. The earlier on a child adapts to the environment, the more capable their problem solving skills become.
With parents, one of their biggest worries with child rearing is the concern as to whether they are ready or not; next to whether they are actually doing 'anything' the correct way. There is no right or wrong way for a child to develop their motor skills, only the right opportunity in a safe, controlled environment.
As natural as sleeping, cooing, burping and feeding comes to a child, survival remains a constant in their most natural state. While it seems counter-intuitive and almost dangerous to throw a child into the deep end of a pool and watch them sink or swim, it is actually rather crucial during early development.
According to the Child Development Institute, children who learn to swim at a young age develop physical and visual-motor skills faster than children who stave off from learning how to swim at a much more advanced age. Swimming helps a child learn default oxygen preservation, strengthening his/her cardiovascular muscles and lungs. Furthermore, swimming toddlers are able to follow cognitive instructions better than non-swimmers, paired with a knack for language development.
Finns Boutique Swim Centre engages with kids in the pool actively through a three pillars known as the Triadic Assessment, which zeroes in on cognitive, social (and emotional) and physical development. Using a child-centric approach, swimming instructors at Finns BSC pays extra attention to every individual child's pace and developmental milestones so that it the teaching is personalised rather than manufactured.
Infants can adapt aquatic skills as early as six (6) months of age with more advanced movements and skills for ages five (5) and up.